Reuben Tots

Ali Hedin | Reuben Tots

Tots are the absolute, hands down best. This St. Patrick’s Day I put them to the test. First cook the tots until they’re super crispy, pulling them early is super risky. Once they come out toasty and hot, top them quick and top them a lot - with pastrami, sauerkraut, and swiss. Then back on broil until they are *chef’s kiss.* While still warm, drizzle 1000 island on top. Eat with a fork until they’re gone - you can’t stop!

Reuben Tots

1 lb tater tots

1/4 lb sliced pastrami

4 slices swiss cheese

1/2 cup sauerkraut

1000 Island Dressing


Toast the tots until they are extra crispy. I cook them on 450 for at least 40 minutes. But don’t burn them!


Turn the oven onto broil and let it warm up. Pile the hot tots into the center of the pan and top with meat, cheese and sauerkraut. Pop in the broiler and watch it closely! Pull them out then the cheese is bubbly.


Top with 1000 Island Dressing and eat immediately! Chances are you’ll need a fork.