Posts in Cocktails
Charm Hour :: Thom Collins
Ali Hedin's summer cocktail - Tom Collins

It seems like the ultimate summer cocktail - the Tom Collins.  Mostly because I hear about it in the movies.  Then I discovered it's basically gin spiked lemonade and I was like H-E-L-L-O!  So here it is, my version with a little sparkling water to top it off.  And unlike it's original, it's spelled the way Thom was meant to be spelled, the way my dad spells it.  Consider it an homage to him.  He who loves gin and likes to say he shorted "Thomas" by just dropping the "ass."  

Hardy har har and cheers my dears.

Charm Hour :: Ciroc Coconut Sangria

A giant pitcher of cocktails may be the best way to usher in the weekend.  And on a crazy hot weekend like this, a coconut sangria is perfection.  Hope you have a fabby weekend!  I can't wait to see you next week - I'm on Q13 FOX news on Tuesday morning with loads of summer entertaining ideas.  See you then!

Charm Hour :: Coconut Crush

Are you watching the World Cup?  Can I tell you a secret?  I know nothing about soccer - except that it takes forever and you kick a ball a lot.  Despite that, Mr. Hedin and I have found ourselves watching the games more than expected because of the high level of drama in the players.  They are really phenomenal actors.  Loving that.

Also, since the games are being held in Brazil, it's the perfect excuse for a tropical inspired cocktail.  I mixed mine with coconut, pineapple, and a squeeze of lime.  Ole!

Charm Hour :: A Bubbly Bar

Happy Mother's Day!  What are your plans?  Do you know what you can't go wrong with?  Champagne + fruit.  It's a winner every time.  Toast the mother's in your life with a fabulous glass of sparkles and enjoy the weekend!